Blog and News

Welcome to our blog where we post regularly about our current displays and also about the history of Wye Heritage, Wye Village and Wye College. We welcome guest posts from our members and if you would like to contribute, please do get in touch.
Rural Community Councils (RCC’s) and Wye College Graduates
Wye College and the RCCs – with an Introduction by Dr Alan Rogers Particularly in the 1970s and early 1980s a significant number of graduates of Wye College, University of London, were employed by Rural Community Councils. Job opportunities were expanding, not least because of the Community Initiative in the Countryside scheme which had been introduced in 1973 and which in particular encouraged the creation of Countryside/Field Officer posts in the RCCs. And the 1970s was also a time when rural issues were centre stage politically and in other ways – concerns about rural deprivation, the environmental effects of modern farming methods, important research from the universities and more. So jobs in the RCCs, which in their own turn were revitalised with new younger staff appointments, were an attractive proposition for new graduates. Wye College had been established in 1893 and became part of the University of London in 1898. It developed an international reputation for research and teaching in agriculture and horticulture and from the 1950s onwards broadened its activities on the social science side to take in such areas as outdoor recreation, rural employment and urban growth. And from the early 1970s this began to include an involvement
Wye Heritage re-opens
It’s been a long time coming, but we are making a tentative start by opening in the Wye College, Latin School Garden with our usual Coffee/ Tea and legendary brownies. We will have an outdoor display all about the history of Hops at Wye. In addition we will be happy to share with you the exciting future plans for the Wye Heritage Centre. We will be somewhat weather dependant – if it is tipping it down we will have to cancel – fingers crossed!

Celebrating 10 Years of Wye Heritage (Part Two)
Part two. 2015-2021. We pick up the story started in part I: 2009-2015 and explain the exciting plans we have for the future of the Wye Heritage Centre.

1980: HRH Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Visits Wye College
Last June marked forty years since HRH Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother made her fifth and final visit to Wye. In this post we share some reflections of that auspicious day.

Celebrating 10 Years of Wye Heritage (Part One)
Part one: The first five years. Here we tell the story of the first five years of Wye Heritage, from the sadness and anger we felt at the closure of Wye College to the thrill and success of opening of the heritage centre.

The Churchfield Estate, 1946-51
Churchfield Way was, and is, a unique development when compared with most twentieth century council estates. Read more about how it was planned and built.